Minister Gbenga Rotiba
is a prolific Praise and Worship leader and a music minister based in
The United States of America. He is currently a member of The Redeemed Christian Church of God North America, serving as a member of the praise team.
Gbengy minister as he is fondly called by people in Nigeria got his nickname from people who have been under his ministrations at different times. He is a worship minister who carries the aroma of God’s presence each time he has the opportunity to lead the people of God. His message is based on the love of God and His sovereignty.
Song Lyrics;Gbengy minister as he is fondly called by people in Nigeria got his nickname from people who have been under his ministrations at different times. He is a worship minister who carries the aroma of God’s presence each time he has the opportunity to lead the people of God. His message is based on the love of God and His sovereignty.
You are The Lord And we worship You For there’s no other God That can do the things You do
You are The Lord And we worship You For there’s no other GodThat can stand up to you
Bridge: Great I am You are God Omega, Adonai
Chorus:Yaweh YawehYou are God, You’re not a man
Chorus:Yaweh YawehYou are God, You’re not a man
You are The LordAnd we worship YouFor there’s no other God That can stand up to You
Bridge: Great I amYou are GodOmega, Adonai
Chorus: Yahweh YawehYou are God, You’re not a man.
Produced by mindmaestro, mixed and mastered by Wale Owoade.
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